Thursday, August 11, 2011

We've almost come to the end of our EAP program and your ESL life. I hope you all have some good memories of your time here and have made life-long friendships. As they say, "This is the first day of the rest of your life!" Tell us what your plans are now; what post-secondary programs you will be attending, or the job possibilities in your future. who have you learned from and who will you miss? Think back to some memorable moments you had in EAP and share them with your classmates. Please post your comments by Tuesday midnight.

Friday, July 29, 2011

When was the last time to tried something new? When was the last time you tried to change a behaviour or adopt a new behaviour. We often talk about these things, but how many people actually do it? Watch this short TED talk and tell me what you think Try Something new for 30 days what are some things that you would like to try for 30 days?  Pick 1 thing that you are going to try to do or not to do for the next 30 days, and see if you can do it.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Favourite Food

 Lately, we have been discussing the serious issues surrounding the food we eat . Now let's lighten up a bit and talk about the food we like to eat! What is your favourite food and or meal and why?  As you can see from the photo, mine is Turkey! Tell us something about it and give us the recipe too if you can.
You will have until Tuesday, July 26 to share your food ideas with us.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Happy Canada Day!!

Happy 144th birthday Canada! The weather looks good and lots of activities are planned in and around Calgary this weekend. Let's take a break from all the serious issues we've been discussing in our BLOG and anticipate the fun you will have (hopefully) over the long weekend. Tell your classmates what you are planning to do or if you blog later on, what you have done this weekend. If you didn't celebrate Canada Day in a big way, tell us what kind of celebrations your country holds for its big birthdays.
As usual, please submit by Tuesday, July 5th midnight.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Have you ever thought about the food you eat everyday?

Where does it come from?

Is is grown locally or is it
shipped from far away?

Is it fresh and natural or are there additives and preservative in it?

Do you try to eat a balanced diet? What does that mean?

It is time to think about what you are eating on a daily basis, try answering these questions and comment on each others responses. by Tuesday June 28th at midnight.

Friday, June 17, 2011

In the last couple of weeks we have watched 2 videos that are related to culture. We watched a talk by Lionel Laroche that discussed the difficulties that cultural differences can create in the the workplace and a video talk by Chimamanda Adichie who told us about the danger of the single story. Thinking about these two talks, take some time to reflect on your own culture and answer the following questions. (these two videos are linked to the speakers names if you need to see them again)
1.    In what ways is your culture different from Canadian culture?
2.    In what ways is it similar?
3.    What are some of the problems that you have faced while trying to adjust to living in a new culture?
4.    Are there any stories that you would like to share with your classmates about your experiences living here?
Take some time to read eachothers comments and respond to them by midnight on  Tuesday June 21st.

Friday, June 10, 2011

If you click on this link The 3 As of awesome! you'll find a 17 minute TEDxToronto video by a guy named Neil Pasricha who has millions of followers on his blog called During a difficult time in his life, he started this blog to discover and share all of the wonderful things that make life worth living.
Listen to his presentation and pay careful attention to the 3 awesome things.
Comment on how one or all three play or have played a role in your life. try to refer to some of the things he says in the video, and as well, take a look at your classmates responses and make at least one comment to them. You will have until Tuesday, June 14th at midnight to post your response.