Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Welcome to EAP! and Our EAP Blog! I hope you are all ready to enjoy your new term and are ready to start blogging. I know you will want to practice first to see how this works, but after you figure it all out, I would like you to post one comment each.

Here is your task: Please tell your classmates how you will define success in this course and how you will achieve the EAP goals.

You will have until Tuesday, May 9th to post your comments.


  1. Hi Charlotte and my classmates,
    First of all,I want to start with my definition of success.It's the progressive relization of our goal.I feel that the students who succeed are the ones who ask questions.These students aren't afraid to take risks.So, my stradegy this term will be to ask more questions myself,teacher and my classmates also to work hard and I will achieve my goal.

  2. Hi guys:
    Here,I would like to tell you my definition about EAP students' success.
    In my opinon, the success of the EAP student is that having enough courage to face challenges and successfully overcome it with a satisfactory result. Because this is again a challenging course. The purpose of this program is to help us to be prepared for our coming career program no matter which college or university you choose.
    In order to have this success, I will participate each of our activities actively, including classroom activity and ouside classroom acivity; complete my homework in time, besides thoes I plan to do some volunteering.

  3. One of the major things I will do in this term of EAP is setting a clear startegy that helps me to reach my prospective goals. This strategy contains a number of methods. First, I should follow the teacher's instructions carefully on every task I'm given and pay attention to feedback to improve my skills with each project or assignment. The other important thing is to engage with my peers in class and collaborate with them so we can share diffrent opinions and exchange more knowledge. Finally, as a student in this academic course, it's my priority to be diligent when it comes to completing homeworks and projects before deadlines. By following these steps I can definitely achieve the ultimate level of success.

  4. Recently, there are some discussions on the definition of success in this course and the essentials to achieve EAP goals. Some people assert that high scores in this level is success, while many others argue that knowledge more important in this class. Personally, I think the knowledge that teachers taught us is not only the basic stone of a passing grade, it enriches my academic study experiences, which are very important in future. Therefore, I think I will work hard in this class through the completion of homework, novels and projects.

  5. The realization of different action plans lead to attain the final goal. We have to find all the strategies to avoid any kind of failure, and realize the actions one by one with a strict evaluation and prediction to accomplish them. All these accomplishments of the actions lead to success. For the ultimate success is a beautiful painting art that people looking at for a long time because it is attractive, meaningful, and special. To achieve EAP goals, EAP students have to realize a set of major actions. One of the main factors is focus on English language, and particularly in EAP program. Students should sacrifice in term of time, energy and money to stay concentrate on the objective. Another major factor is to do homework and projects on time and rigorously in order that students improve their way of thinking and critical skills. For example, doing seminar project allow students to analyze the situation, participate on the discussion actively and increase their background knowledge. Finally, practice make perfect. It is a useful aspect to reach the goal. For example, practice the language at home by using internet and outside the class by communicating with Canadians. There are many factors to accomplish the EAP goals. However, these principle factors are crucial to accomplish the EAP goals.

  6. Success is the result of completion of any task by following certain strategies or procedures. Our teachers have developed some curriculum and strategies to be success in EAP, so I will follow the instructions and I will spend more time to study independently to achieve target or goal. We need to work hard to meet the target of EAP in short time, which is not enough through in-class only; Moreover, we have to learn outside the class also.

  7. This term is oriented to prepare the student to face academic demands. Therefore, the success of this term will be determined with our performance in courses that we will take. for that reason, at the end of this term we won't be able to say if it was succesful or not until we face positively our academic period. In my case, I will try to work harder in this course because it has something different from the previous ones, this is the last English course and I will try to take advantage of this as much as I can.

  8. The wisest people who have ever lived have seen that true success is not just the result of luck or accident. Genuine excellence and success is the outcome of attitude, talent and hard work.To accomplish the EAP goals, I will definitely follow some of the strategies that I would like to outline here. To begin with, a clear conception of what I want and a career goal clearly imagined may be two of the milestones. Moreover, following instructor's guidelines to complete a number of projects and meaningful participation in the classroom activities will certainly lead me to success in this course. In addition, a strong confidence and a focused concentration on what it takes to reach that goal are equally important. Finally, consistency in pursuing my goal, a good character to guide me and a capacity to enjoy the classroom transactions can be stepping stones in achieving the EAP goals.

  9. Well, I think defining our success itself is a brilliant gesture and the beginning of success. To me, success in this course includes a few sectors, however, the most important one is to deal with obstacles embedded in notions and thoughts that bitter my English learning experience. I will pursue my EAP goals with the following strategies. First of all, maintain curiosity and develop interest in this language. Curiosity and interest work together to color experience so that I'll never feel bored and be afraid of mistakes and failure. Second, I will pay more attention to improve my weakest part --- speaking and listening. In practice, more endeavor will be made to increase accuracy in pronunciation and grammar by imitating. The last but not the least, assignments are the mean to consolidate knowledge learn from the course; I'll make sure to accomplish all of them in order to achieve the goal. In the study progress, more detailed and operational goals will be made to assure my EAP course completed successfully.

  10. In my opinion, EAP will help me get used to the academic environment so being success in this course means that I will be able to have some academic skills such as logical writing and speaking, group work and research skills.
    To achieve the EAP goals, first, I will have try my best to complete my homework, assignments and projects. Secondly, I will be active in class, participate in class works, giving ideas and listen actively to other student in group work. Lastly, I will do a lot of volunteer works in independent learning because I will have a lot of experiences and to understand more about Canadian culture throughout volunteer works.
    I know I can do it and I will do my best to achieve the EAP goals.

  11. hi, i think to be successful in this class. i have to follow by these points. Firstly, i have to build strong vocabulary, basiclly, every week learn new words from homework is essential to it. Secondly, be more active in any discussion group, thus can help me in speaking. Last but not least, read more novels and learn thier writing skills.
    have a good weekends :)

  12. Defining success is different for everybody because it depends on a person's point of view. For me success means being content with my life.First of all, EAP is a good opportunity for me to meet the challenge of going deep in academic English. This semester I am planing to improve my listening and note taking skills which will help me in my next goal to go to college and study to be a dental assistant. Second, I would like to improve my researching abilities to complete my projects and presentations. To acheive this plan I will try to attend class regularly and listening to the teacher's instructions will help me a lot. Also, doing homework will be very important for me because this is extra time to practice English at home. In conclusion, finishing EAP and acheiving my plan I will be content with my life and be ready for my next goal.

  13. The EAP program is giving me a good preparation for my academic studying skills of the English languages. I think the success in this course is that I can express my opinions precisely. I can write 15 pages of thesis properly. I can understand the Maclean's article easily and I can take note of the lecture correctly. As a new comer in Canada, my first priority is to learn English, and I believe that listening is the first step. Listening to the news helps me correct my pronunciation. I will commit about half an hour every day to listen to the CBC news during the EAP program. This will help improve my listening skills and pronunciation as well as my vocabulary. The more vocabularies I learn, the better I will be able to understand when I listen to the news. Meanwhile, I think that reading newspaper regularly will improve my reading speed and writing skill. Expressing my opinion to my classmates after reading the newspaper and listening to their explanation are good ways to improve my abilities in listening and speaking. Moreorve, I think that I will learn a few more new writing style and opinion descriptions from the class.In one word, I will need to make many more efforts to achieve my goal.

  14. As I heard from previous EAP students, the EAP course focuses on speaking and writing which I would like to improve at the EAP course, such as oral presentations, critical thinking, group discussion and academic writing. Those skills will help me to achieve my future goal, and also I need those skills to work with Canadians. As I have learned to set up to achieve your goal as follows; first, you set up your goals specific and clear. Second, the goals are achievable. Third, you set up time to achieve them. Forth, you do self-assessment to find out which objectives are not met, and then you think why you could not reach your goals at this time. I will effort step by step to achieve my goals at the EAP course!

  15. I would like to define success in EAP course. This course is focusing on the plans which developing academic skills and adaptation of Canadian culture. Thus the success of the EAP means that we get ready for enter the colleges or universities. For that, we will learn many things, which had never learned before. It will be challenging for us. However, I will think of me as a baby bird, which learns to flap the wings for flying in the sky. I will study hard and submit myself to my instructor as well. Finally, everyone sets their goals and they move toward their goals steadily. I will also focus on my goal and break for my dream.

  16. In order to success in EAP course, I should expend all my effort on my projects such as occupation report, group discussion, seminar, presentations and independent study. I believe that help me to improve my English skills. Also I need to improve my vocabulary and writhing which are my weaknesses. This course will be good opportunity for me to success in my life. I plan to achieve the EAP goals to enhance my weaknesses.

  17. Good Afternoon Everybody. I will define succes in this course as I define succes in every enterprise I undertake in my life: interest and commitment. Interest because I think that if your are interested in what you do, you will be motivated. And, motivitation is the energy, the fuel, you need for the road. Commitment is the second ingredient. If interest is the fuel, commitment is the control system. It is what helps to keep you in your duties in order to achieve your engagement. So my strategy to succeed in this course is already working: I am very interested in attaining my goal which is to improve my communications skills in order to be able to upgrade my knowledge, continue my career and get the to the final goal: working in my field. Therefore, I am very commited with every activity in this course.
